Thursday, 3 November 2011

the system of equations-algorithms

The two example equations intersect twice. The...
The two example equations intersect twice. Therefore, there are two solutions. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

 The structure of graphs
Charts pie graphs
 The application of mathematics to conclude the notions of movement power displacement ands probability. The creation of numerical value to assist and comprehend statistics their projections and manageability
Codes phonetics and algebraic calculations
Subtraction multiplication and division of numbers percentage logarithms
Factors geometry trigonometry calculus algebra
 Symbols addition
 Sine, cosines
 To reconstruct or plan a series of active responses to possible actual manifestations. To have the probability factor.
 To adhere to a system of calculations deriving at:
1 a series of complete observations
2 an answer
3 predictions analysis/functions
4 a more detailed educational perception of analysis

 The system of applying numerical calculations to compliment the notion that interactive math and the concept of language movement and results coincide.

 For example abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Each given a numerical value
Using +_* multiplication and division []{}()- brackets
Long division % sine cosine logarithms exponents
 Graphing a straight line circle square
 Taking the angle of …perhaps a descending object
Mass of an object
Surface area
What words could be derived form the usage of 26 letters

What value can be given and the percentage in statistics of its probability rate.

The administering of logical calculations graphs to show the strength of what appears to be obvious and what the chances are the odds in ratio to the unknown the distance calculations of probability

What effect force is used in strength and what measurements can be derived form the out put of energy recovery and stamina- for the movement and strength of a human being at different age intervals

Numerical values
 If x is a variable
 Let x = the sum of components and other variables
If y is similar to x
Let y be coexistent to x
If {abc<indefinite} are related to x or y
List comparisons in order of relative similarity
Show list

x+y are subject to change
If abc are numerous in their application

For example if a =2 b=14c=5(or objects in a given area)
As compared to x squared or y(-)

 The explanation                                    graphs x/y axis bar graphs equations probability
Example /if x= 1 person
                   y= the environment           HULK look local organizer of knowledge
                                                                           Leap likelihood estimator and predictor

a= air quality
b= water purity
c= pollution control
Indefinitely- represents the components of life the distinctions between one person and another their living environments and subjection to outside resources and influences.

Systematically adhering to a function of mathematical and linguistic calculations to formulate solutions

Numerical order classification solid liquid gaseous
Animal vegetable mineral
Chronological order
Developmental stages
Hybrid crosses breeds fruit and vegetable (plants animals)
Mathematics equations decimal system binary ratio
Bar graphs pie charts diagrams
Sounds tones pitches- Sonics
Lab experiments
Programming languages
Alpha numerical
Scientific observations
Cad applications architecture infrastructure

Reduction in size increase productivity- microprocessor
 Directional control mapping coordinates
Storage of data
Microscope and telescopic applications
Geological and climate changes
 Food and drugs
 (Differential equations)



123 v/s letters in their value to components fractions and long division applying the structure of graphical analysis to the definitions and variable involved in the juxtaposition of structural analysis and objects in their location with the management of all known comparables


Results actions let y = constant
Let x have the value of being coexistent with the functioning of certain consistency
(-) as a negative with restrictions (+) being the overall function

Division and square root having determinate factors
Multiplication being a function related to x with all extremes
{} representing the solution of having independent figures within

Multiplication division subtraction addition of values of x to imply in the region of y the interaction of all known existent truths
By relation to the presence of certain consistencies the collaboration of absolute values and the subsequent interrelation of proper maintenance of adequate probability. The superimposed projection of effective terminology and visual perception should reflect the overall objective, which is, the correlation between the effectiveness of how influence or suggestion has compliance and competence, in recognizing the odds of a conclusion, when the subject matter has been completed in precise form. With regards to the manifestation of a complex ideology referring to mathematics geometry and physics
Reasoning A = 1 person B= the environment C= any number of persons
Numbers any but different types of material belongings and objects known to man

1 person in the environment-C alone with 123 objects and material belongings out in the world perhaps a person home alone or a drifter or someone camping
123 each number can represent a different characteristic of A
A can be diversified to represent by code birth date characteristics numbers last or first names
Locating (Any living or dead person )
Therefore with a GPS system or a locator and portable computer a person can be traced.
With the effect of communities being built ad census being taken people find it necessary to check into hospital at times and also to utilize other government services to supplement their lifestyle
Social insurance numbers driver’s license numbers and also health card numbers are used in duration over the year
There are bank cards and credit cards library cards and other ID such as age of majority which are at times used for photo ID and identification
Banking requires also an account no. with transit nos. and branch nos.  Required  for checking.
Numerology is used in transportation in many ways.
For instance license plate numbers/mileage/ speed /highway serial nos.
Speed limits distances names of highways gas prices engine size
In aviation flight numbers sped mapping distance
In policing there are certain codes badge nos. patrol car nos. file nos. prisoner nos. Amount of (type) crimes registered surveying accident scenes.
In computer-codes using numbers for the effective programming telephone directory/business /home
Time itself is a concept of numbers- the atomic clock. Days have numbers 1st 2nd 3rd of the month. Years have numbers in writing the date months have numbers.
For agriculture and fishery there is a great deal of sorting and packaging that are involved with numbers offspring hybrid plants no of bushels no of fish in hatchery no of animals area of field acres production of milk cheese other dairy products no of animals sold

In care of humans optical measurements PH IQ
Body measurements high school college/ university marks
Genetic components genes amount of medication amount of calories
Protein amount of exercise blood pressure weight offspring family
Health records room numbers house numbers apartment numbers
Number of newspapers number of factories producing daily needs such as
Dixie cups toothbrushes food products baby products appliances novelty items other such as merchandise pricing
Music number of no1 hits albums no of songs on a tape or disc records sold tapes cds number of people in group music notes have numbers beats  finger placements on guitar
Codes for products packaging waybills product identification number serial no.
Amount of beverage consumed liter ml.
High and low blood sugar –monitored
Amount of cc’s in injections
Spinal column involves numbers
describing body parts and functions –numbered
multiplication subtraction division addition- memory /numbers
volume and depth of liquids                               chemical components in mixtures of                   
metric system                                                        for ex. perfumes deodorant
chemistry- formulas measurement                     number of cars produced recalls
mathematics                                                        number of students/children in school
number of cases in court                                      workforce/ employment
employee id numbers                                          inventory/ no. of items
mixture of sanitizing agents                                body temperature      
room temperature                                                no. of decibels
atmospheric pressure – barometer                       speed of light sound
air conditioner heater no. of degrees                     mach speed
playing cards                                                        microscopic measurement
telephones faxes photo copiers                            distances from planets stars
calculators                                                             height weight
prices                                                                     street numbers
sports shirt numbers scores field                           number of highways pay toll
number of web sites                                               no of streets roads km/miles
coupons gift certificates                                         military personnel
odds /horseracing                                                    military equipment
measurement of aerodynamics/ fuel consumption/ engine analysis  
channels on TV                        metric system                                       residential abodes 
radio station frequencies                                                                      hotels motels
articles of clothing                                                                              casinos
number of mattresses used                                                                 credit loans
number of items at a sale or auction                                                budgets 
number of days at work/ vacation /sick days/holidays                     mortgages
number of pregnancies miscarriages abortions                                      payroll
weather                                                                                             satellite transmissions
stock market                                                             ancient tools /sundials/measurements
no. of countries                                                                graphing cad
population men women                                              measuring cup
mapping geography geometric pressure                 ingredients in cooking
number of books encyclopedias digests magazines comics etc.
packaging no of commercials                                            seismographic readings
TV shows series games                                                heart monitor
Trivia questions                                                        intra venous
Instruments used in measurement ruler protractor  t square
Compass linear measure abacus altimeter etc.                   parks forests
Part no. of engines other mechanical devices              recycled material
No of sites on a map                                                  tons of garbage
Bus routes                                                                 elevators
Train routes/ cargo/ cars (rail)                                  computer codes
Shipping receiving                                                   weight of precious stones
Coast guard cargo checkpoints                                weight of chemical/natural compounds
Trucking checkpoints                                               no of copies
Lottery numbers                                                       weight gain/ loss
Speedometer readings                                               meals per day
Radar readings                                                        statutes regulations
Oven and stove temperature                                   business company nos. (ltd)
Degrees centigrade and Fahrenheit                          policy holder nos.
Repetitive movement                                              blue print numbers
Designs art theatres                                                   patent numbers
War veterans                                                            money- ID numbers
Diseases/ antidotes                                                       catalog nos.
Wild animals                                                            shoe size
 Encountering numbers and symbols in your community examples see lists and definitions

Body language
Communication- conversing
Voice tone
What is the objective?
Effective speaking

Voice recorder clock watch cell phone headset
 Car for transportation
Computer access pencils
TV stereo shortwave pens
Notepad daily record  appointments.
Mathematical sets/ books
Proper clothing
Enhanced by Zemanta

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