volumetric display at university of toronto (Photo credit: t3mplar) |
Holograms used to:
Assemble Particles, assisting in non evasive surgery. The particles interact in an intelligent manner enabling the physician to manipulate through computerized mechanisms. Intensity volume mass distance size trajectory and other important and relevant instances are calculated.
The particles could be injected taken by mouth or inhaled by spray or mist or by enveloping the entire body in spray or mist. The skin is a permeable membrane (organ)
See bombardment of protons and electrons behavior in an electromagnetic field;
The awesome life force by Joseph H. Cater
Rapid engagement to location occurs with the adaptation to animation display and 3D topology. The integration of a system enabling the particles whilst in the body transferring them to the intended site by internal mechanisms which show the particles to be inert and only by time release have the functioning of active diverse relationships with the molecular and cellular components. (Dissemination)
The holograms, as diverse as their design can make them, are realistic participants in the development of cell lifecycles as well as the management of different types of analysis for diseases and abnormalities.
Research and design are not limited to what the eye can see (macroscopic)
Act as “floating” structures for construction of needed criteria
Act as guidelines for certain types of surgery
Usages in design for other industries
Advertisement- commercials fundraising public education
Display- showing inner regions vitals
Messages- communication
Diversions- changes of behaviors
Signs- of symptoms
All could be incorporated into types of holograms that would be useful.
(Useful to the patient as well as the physician)
1.Surgical binoculars with specific characterization Cartesian mapping display in 3D.
2. Mobius strip characteristics
3.Holograms documents
4.Ideas for 2007 2008
5.Nanocube nanosphere
6. Microscopic laser brain surgery techniques
7. Eye prosthesis with hologram projection displays inward and outward
8. Brain exoskeletons for movement coordination
9.Holograms becoming physical objects solid liquid gas- dissemination
10. Nanocavity for detection of viruses
Holograms are:
3 dimensional pictograms of patterns formed by microscopic particles atoms and
molecules in computerized display visuals. They represent not only the signaling and
communication characteristic of the element, and thereby can be traced to such areas as
nutrition , ingestion meiosis mitosis and the point of which at various locale cell
chemistry changes. Making it possible to relate to specific times of cell interaction with
proteins and other elements, showing eventually the purposes, methods and consequence
of splicing repair and reconstruction and overall cell lifecycles over a given period of
time. The holograms, could then be assimilated with particles of relevance elements of
Production of new organisms, mutations and cell biology to ensure that the overall aspect
of what the capabilities of the in vitro in vivo stages of cell lifecycles are, and to invent
and conceive new methods of mobilization transport and overall genetic makeup, to
produce the concentrated effort to enable longevity and accuracy in a lifecycle.
The antibodies that counteract disease in the body's systems the immune system the agents which carry in blood plasma and bodily fluids specific mechanisms which promote the healing effect the proteins and other factors which affect the overall genetic makeup the nutrition and the procedure of applying medicinal approaches to treat maladies. The participation of the organs in the healing procedure at rest or at full capacity the management of stress the nervous system and the subsequent removal of diseased tissue or tumors the realization that the body was feeding that infection and the changes which are induced to put the anatomy back in proper functioning order to rid itself of all encumbrances wrought and predetermines a pattern of healthy response from the brain and encourages it through the body systems the regulation of pulse and heart beat the rhythmic patterns the flow of air through the lungs to satisfy the requirements of the respiratory system and the functioning of the brain and coinciding reflex action subconscious and conscious all coinciding to relate to the human condition mind and body reacting to circumstance coincidence and consequence. Providing a pathway for research theory and practice to create the multiple approaches to finding the correct sequence, a sense of normalcy and a psychic and physical state of being that can create and conceive conceptual manifestations to aide humanity in the calculated reasoning to keep the body at an optimum.
Holograms l: To be used to
Correlate pages of or parts of DNA RNA and chromosomes animal plant and human cells
gene structure analysis.
Examine existence of viruses known and rare
Refer to relevant area of science/medicine/classification
Report on the usages of holograms. To be used to:
Help bond proteins
Introduce elements to the immune system
Amino acid distribution
Influence stronger signaling
Encourage cell mobility
Permit RNA transfers/usage
The use of microtubules /mitochondria
Aid intercellular dependencies
Aid in curing diseases
Act as a visual reference
Cell nutrition
(see flow chart and nanotechnology diagram)
Aid in detection and prevention of symptoms
Aid in intercellular communication organic and inorganic
Measure and monitor intercellular production
Interact with cells DNA RNA and chromosomes to promote a healthy response mainly to encourage growth and efficiency
1 The ability to see collect and analyze the systems of the body
2Give an MRI utilizing an electron microscope and show a 3D color picture form a host of different angles
3Demonstrate computation by the display of information charting results be it mathematical medical physics chemistry or any other realm of science possible.
4Have cameras and pictures from the epidermis to the molecular level with descriptions and characteristics.
5Have animation to show movement and growth flow and adjustments to measure inner activity.
6Measure and anticipate action reaction in the body systems. Creating a list, and display of possible most likely outcomes, and treatments.
7Circulation digestive inner organs muscular skeletal cranial and lymphatic endocrine and all other areas are viewed and given an opinion on.
8Viewpoint is given on all areas of medicine and science the relevance and course of action taken with options and equipment listed as well as centers for treatment physicians and other relevant information
9Display is multiple screens at times to accommodate different angles and scenarios.
10Utilize drop down menus and search to characterize all known aspects of treatments medicine and organize them according to course of treatment and course of ailment.
11Programmable with optional memory for additions
12 Interactive with other information and discs{collect and analyze and display}
13Statistics, odds, percentage, microscopic values and properties.
14The complete works of the practice of medicine and science with legal adaptations
15 works well with other information inputting devices [universal adaptation]
Check for titles names proceedings as well as experiments- descriptions
Develop a strategy for page layouts with diagnoses and legalities coinciding
Describe the patterns similarities and distinctions with conclusions
Give advice on the factors which are relevant (for example nutrition and environment)
Report on the microscopic as well as visible spectrum
Check for corresponding terminology pathology and nomenclature
Read journals and check for literature to familiarize you with the subject matter
Compare statistics charts diagrams look at readouts bar graphs numerical data
Seek out lab reports clinical data and informative concepts in Law and Medicine
List medical and legal procedural tendencies check for rare occurrences, abnormalities
Write reports and summaries on topics use as many examples of explanations as possible
Translate into simple to understand text language for use in teaching /explanations
Utilize computer and text to collaborate and plan conceptual and adhered to techniques
List and tabulate occurrences keep details and objectives clear and project visualizations
Use art /drawings and visual aids in presentations keep examples and objects as reference
Develop workbooks for workshop or classroom presentations-utilize community effort
Learn and do revision on medical and legal terms dictionaries encyclopedias statutes etc.
When necessary take measurements utilize needed equipment and tabulate odds /statistics
2/22/2007 5:04:08 PM
The Mobius Strip
Uniquely made with a twist that can be related to the twist of fate or the turning over of a
new leaf the changes made in the twist can represent a sickness a break or a change of
life even the events that lead to a demise be they factual all have procedure and certain
unmistakable qualities the decision to combine the Mobius strip with the elements of
chemistry colors represented by the interchangeable Rubic’s cube or whatever shape is
desired with the addition of scientific formulas and mathematics solid liquid and gas the
elements and the microscopic array of atoms in the Mobius strip which itself could be
solid or floating like a cloud of gas even liquid to concern itself with the task at hand the
continuation of life in its functioning capacity after altering incidents. The twist should be
represented by exacting combination of DNA particles molecules and overall the
existence of supporting mechanisms finely tuned to represent individuals or groups. The
resulting examination and careful scrutiny of the strip should reveal within its makeup a
process of continuous healing along with the manifestation of cell lifecycles and their
consequent emergence as evolving and reanimated in some form by the complete process
which circular as the Mobius strip is can be related to the earth’s rotation so the 3 3d
holograms are in interplay with each other an can represent through location whereabouts
and makeup the dependant relationship the human race and others (also flora and fauna
)have with this planet. The strip can exist as programming on computer each individual
represented by a line that is continual. Whether or not the line interconnects is depends on
the complete lifecycles heredity and donors as well as regeneration splicing and other
evolvements in nature. Could be used in unison with a Collider.
As a reference molecules could be formed to follow the pattern of the strip its division
and consequent reintegration.
The holistic approach to homeopathy and natural foods. The distinguishing of various
raw materials the overall intrinsic makeup of for example fruits and vegetables grains
produce and dairy products. The systematic rendering of each component and
combinations thereof to enhance body systems for the response needed by immune cardio
respiratory and circular muscular skeletal lymphatic etc. for organs of the body to
respond and react to sugars salts fats proteins amino acids lipids etc. the breakdown of
each individual part to comprise a healing effect concentrated; in minimal and maximum
dose; to better assess the accessibility of organisms in cell biology and to reorganize the
traits assimilated with the digestion of certain types of ingestible items.
Taking for example a set of foods from the West Indies or spices from island regions and
comparing its nutritional value to that of another region comparing climates, and birth
and death rates, as well as way of life, access to medicine and genetics, population and
The actions and reactions to changes in environment to weather, to stress and injuries, to
the quality of water as well as the flora and fauna that inhabit and frequent. New species
introduced, the effect of humans and their environments and enhancements to farming;
pollution and waste; and hazards and safety measures.
The process of progressive healing. To oversee the needed and overwhelming urges
to create the perfect scenario for medicine and sciences to blend taking all the
guesswork out of procedures and adding technology and method to technique and
Taking us to a new approach of people with terminal illness or at the point of death,
is it possible through transplant to transfer the person’s brain and other vital
organs as desired to another accepting body made up entirely to support its
incoming parts( thereby being genetically and overall prepared to do so.)
Is it possible to create an alternate existence through transplantation DNA
manipulation and predetermined tissue plasma and cardiac function? Can a brain
function in an alternate environment? Will it be able to observe and have the
functions of acknowledgement? Will the person’s personality still be there?
Will transplants replace permanent comas with the patient’s chances of becoming
awake without consequence?
Will there be a minimal use if any of anti rejection drugs when the persons DNA
and cellular matter is predetermined to the new bodies /hosts? Is stem cell research
the main concept or is it plastic surgery with a combination of transplantation and
cognitive testing?
Perhaps the new host could be kept alive in a simulator to create the correct
sequencing and mode for survival without the patient’s main organs present or with
alternates by regeneration machinery or donors.
The idea of transforming an old body into a younger more able body has been the
subject of many films.
The ability to change appearance, along with transfer of organs genetics and brain
chemistry control as well as motion testing, in physiotherapy and memory and
cognition of patients, undergoing surgery and recovering from medical treatments.
Through robotics nanotechnology surgery holograms injections and transfer of
body systems from one body to another under controlled methods with adequate
oxygen nad laser control with anesthetics’ and pharmacology to control symptoms
and pain and methods of sustaining organs and cell location without incident.
“Suspended animation” the preliminary state for the transfer of body systems from
one stage to another.
From the position granted, to the Senate, to the Tribunal, to Judges, Magistrates and to the Presidential Committees, including the President and the Secretary of State from the overall aspect of Foreign Relations to the prospect of International and Global infrastructure, businesses and monetary funding. To emphasize the addition of concepts, new procedures, practices and overly adept instructive in depth policies. To oversee and correct future and current trends in marketing, finance and trade, and to ensure fairness and equity.
From the image taken from computerized storage to the replication reproduction and image projection of a working hologram transferred to a state of utilization and productivity in science and medicine and all other areas of relevance.
3D replications with solidifying effects and potential for long range projection and building. Transference of particles; Arrangement of molecules; Correct atomic configuration.
Online ordering, concept of perforated screen or air screen with laser hologram particle inducement to create for example pharmacology, confections, foodstuffs, enforcing statutes, supporting buildings, infrastructure making miniatures as well as larger statues.
Repairing cracks in walls windows cement –(portable models)
For the aspect of Educational Programming and Literature
For the Arts
For Aquatic and Oceanic studies
For Agriculture
Introduction of the nano-sphere and nano-cube; structures which although sometimes visible, in size can regulate through their computerized framework, particles which form shapes. They, the nano-sphere and the nano-cube (or whatever shape is desired) could also be nanostructures. They would be made of nano-tubes or spherical. The shapes are visual interpretations and would involve holographic projection. Particle Assimilation would take place for example in the nano-sphere and it would work somewhat with base attachment like a crystal ball projecting likenesses and perhaps weather patterns as well as a variety of imagery in 3dimensional particle format and hologram projections. Various projections.
The nano-cube would be as large as a room for example or as small as needed determining within its framework what object or visual interpretation could be displayed and built molecule by molecule to complete its task, which is in effect- objects made can be removed and used elsewhere.
Rapid regeneration of molecular arrangement.
One adaptation of nano-cube technology is the mid air suspension of a hologram of for example a Rubic’s cube multi-faceted, it would be comprised of many mathematical and scientific formulas all interchangeable and each side would have its own significance upon solving the cube it would be relayed with the nano-sphere which suspended in mid air and fully describable by computerized analysis ,a hologram, shaped like the Earth (or another planet sun star or moon) and would interact on a responsive level. For example the weather or patterns of known and unknown criteria, bacteria, etc.
Ideas for 2007/ 2008 Sunday, September 14,2008
1 Automatic document creation program for documents on computer
2 Breakdown of foods into powder/gel- examination of contents
3 Paging- mathematical observance and recording/codes for medical and scientific devices/ machines
4Holograms- their usage various documents –(holograms1)
5 Tablet PC for medical /legal
6 The webpage which shows all areas of medicine the relationship to systems in the body cellular characteristics and descriptions details specifics 3d drawings animation stored pictures
7 The laser-chamber concept
8 Procedures document- links for computer to all areas of fields studied
9 Examples of methods for cancer research /spray mist for tumors (pharmacology)
10 For vehicles
12Limiting speed
13Osteoarthritis procedures
14 Symbol connecting computer pages sentences words pictures linkage for fast production of documents
15Display for nano-medicine nanotechnology of a cell
16Scientific home experimentation kits
17 Techniques used for microscopic surgeries evaluations and analysis
18Science 1 computer- particle assimilation
19 Concept microscopes with video/cameras for students
20Concept1- computer interface with techniques to assist in examinations
Question :if you put a hologram in a laser beam can it, projected, take a minute particle sample?
The addition of cameras and videotaping to microscopes, telescopes and MRI images
Will add a new outlook, when the procedure can be recorded and stored as it looks.
This could be used for meetings, observation, computer storage, lectures, reference
Animation/ With mathematical analysis grids, numerical characterization, graphing capability, and 3D x y axis, to measure the details of the visual.
Reference points ,data and time-lapse photography.
These cameras and devices would be built in to the microscope, telescope or visuals.
This could be incorporated into a basic microscope kit for students to have a better outlook on how sophisticated equipment works. For an easier transition to the professional level.
Image Recognition
The integrated computer display will speak and divulge any characteristics of what is being observed temperature mobility nutrition type genome solid liquid gas-chemical analysis observance of proteins enzymes fats lipids disease recognition and makeup of contents. Done through software and interface.
The telescope would incorporate the positioning and locale of what is being observed with the visual video and camera and computerized imaging to bring out the best images.
As with the MRI the interfacing equipment would show a description of the object observed with emphasis on the details involving all relevant issues. See File0036.pdf
Laboratory Equipment
Organic and Inorganic
Microbiology Quantum Mechanics
Molecular Biology Molecular Physics
Systems Biology Quantum Physics
Air Induction
Sequencing Splicing Reconstruction of DNA
Mathematical calculations
Visual reference
Laser interface
Computer programming and language
Chemical analysis
Microscopic observance
X-ray potential
3 dimensional image reproductions
Animation to Reality /Reality to Animation
Computer Interface
Readout of visual display
Computerized variables showing temperature stresses movement contents processes of digestion ingestion bonding, immune system functioning, antibodies, amino acids, cellular structures communication between cells, synapse and nerve connections brain chemistry and functioning, bodily fluids, major organs their functions and dynamics and the scanning of individual areas for signs of damage as well as overall health repair improvement and history of lifecycle.
Nanotechnology Nano-medicine
Utilizing the first five criteria the theory is relevant on building a system of applied scientific method to create observe and formulate plans for the healing effect to take place at the microscopic level for illnesses
Concept 2
Particle Laser Holographic Projection
(Collection of website addresses; telephone numbers; footnotes bibliography; overall collections to determine whereabouts on 1 web page.)
Satellite orbits to project image by laser light hologram for the administration of particles in the vicinity to have orbit around the hologram and to settle by relevant placement takes place to form a projected satellite.
This process repeats itself until ultimately the particle satellite is projected itself over a given distance
See diagram file0043.pdf
The satellite would be able to project with accuracy the distance the consistency of particles incurred and their makeup according to the periodic table, separate microscopic particles for make up and rendering of new satellites and the application of heat cold to utilize components to formulate function in the new satellites.
Chemical lasers- other types of lasers.
List of diseases illnesses ailments
Techniques used in diagnosis treatment cure curing
3D rendering molecule by molecule mathematical examination on x/y axis of inner makeup of cellular structures and what type of interaction takes place
Pharmacology and foodstuffs/ vitamins/minerals/ composites
Proteins amino acids affected used involved
Concepts mechanical/robotic/supports /aides etc.
How to build computer interfaces between everyday objects and how to connect them to a visual readout machine and/or monitor
Flow chart of – germination of for example(apple) from seed to fruit to supermarket to digestion etc(nutrients) foodstuffs.
For example
Cancer Heart disease Aids Stroke Schizophrenia Bipolar disorder Asthma Autism
Muscular dystrophy cerebral palsy diabetes Parkinson’s Alzheimer’s
Spinal bifida arthritis bursitis syphilis herpes influenza
Measles chicken pox mumps gonorrhea acne shingles lupus exema allergies inflammation Crohn’s disease lymphoma chronic pain bronchitis ulcer
Sciatica mononucleosis constipation diarrhea insomnia osteoporosis malaria
Whooping cough chronic back pain anorexia nervosa bulimia psychosis cardiac arrest overdose respiratory failure
What foodstuffs bring about positive change in the body; what should you avoid when having symptoms or ill; how are these naturally occurring immune system responses utilizing the nutrients how certain types of food help heal. Check periodic table of elements for organic inorganic matter- chemistry. Some examples- Check list of formulas file 0063.pdf
Diagnosis- rendering by process of elimination
Medical diagnosis- the recognition of a disease condition by its outward signs and symptoms
The analysis of the underlying physiological/biochemical cause(s) of a disease or condition
Physician- homeostasis- anatomy physiology pathology psychology= diagnosis
Treatment- a process of modifying or altering something
A type of therapy used to remedy a health problem
Water treatment sewage treatment experimental treatment- manipulation of variables by experimenter
Surface treatment national treatment film treatment
Curing – cure
Food preservation and flavoring salts sugars nitrates
A cure is a completely effective treatment for a disease
For example
See file 0064pdf for locations and details close up reveals 3D rendering of detailed analysis can show locale and overall makeup
B1 to B12 vitamins ACDE, mineral water
Oatmeal cinnamon milk water
Chicken breast eggs sweet potato cottage cheese pizza fruit juice
Fast food salads peanut butter steak yogurt pasta tuna salad dressing deli meat
Beef chicken rice potatoes oats pasta veggies eggs cottage cheese nuts milk olive oil whole grain bread bagel fish
Fish sweet potato low fat yogurt quinoa pumpkin seeds
9 essential amino acids for humans
Histadine isoleucine leucine lysine methionine phenylalanine threonine tryptophan valine
Proteins amino acids
Non essential amino acids
Alanine glutamic acid
Arginine glutamine
Aspartic acid glycine
Cytosine proline
Tyrosine serine
Protein I gram/pound body weight – maximum usable amount
Take all the amino acids together for best results
Anatomy see file0065pdf
Concepts- mechanical / robotic/supports/aides etc
Nanotechnology see wikipedia nanomedicine
See Microsoft word document
Laser chamber document
One sequence (2) two documents
Osteoarthritis document ( for sequences)
Illustration- to define drawings diagrams specifics
Animation- to change illustrations adapt them to suit
Programming-to exhibit the multi faceted approaches of details diverse functions
Display- to show 3 dimensional workup of holograms in mid air /on screen
Portability- to move holograms to specific areas/interchangeable/analysis
Cameras- for recording and visuals- special adaptations
Compatibility- to other medical and scientific devices/ machinery
Visuals-surgical binoculars with microscopic vision- infra red heat detection x-ray(detection of holographic shapes etc.)
Particle inducement- arrangement of smart(purposeful) particles to formulate plans of action in determining surgical methods/ examinations /experimental theories/ etc. the particles would be introduced as methods of acting as (tools/surgical) or as support mechanisms to change characteristics or to bond with current bodily functions and support existing systems.
The spectrum is as small or smaller than a microbe, a removal of a pimple, to a whole body scan for various symtomology/ genetics/ diseases or viruses etc.
Fusion- for the procurement of different particle based shapes diagrams and objectives objects tools heating collaboration adhesion diffusion dissection disassembly.
Self assembly of particles/ bonding deconstruction and reconstruction self assembly –disassembly regenerative dislocations of particles-dispersal.
Makeup- solid liquid gas molecules atoms etc. synthetic natural chemical inorganic organic etc. combinations of the aforementioned and adaptations to suit the situation/ circumstance microscopic organelle organisms/ criteria.
Mathematical and scientific calculations- to ensure precision and manageability the adaptation and usage of changing equations and formulas theories to calculate phenomena.
Particles introduced by injection/inhalation/ingestion/absorption/ heat/ chemical means
Interface with robotics to manipulate the particles by laser/ electron fingers/ plasma /photon ray particle counting and unique dispersal with directional control for each individual particle- see sonic computer document-communication and signaling- chemistry etc.
Safely dissolving dissolution and dispersement.
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