Sunday, 13 November 2011

Research and Progress

First major independent research support from ...
First major independent research support from NIH occurs at an ever-later age (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The corresponding writings the methodology the over seeing bonding between the reserach the written word and the patterns of thought whaich determne relevance. The constant detrmination of the educated to explore and dwell in those regions of unkown to see to experience to find out. the unexplained the uncharted the untouched all with grasp and the managemnt of finding the principles of documentation the topics the headings the subject matter what is neccessary what is predominant what follows what and the titles and what they entail.
 The superimposition of suggestions ideas information to formulate concepts. The actual attempt at using our thought processes with what we have learned read heard and educationally discovered to formulate progress in the form of projects proof and doctorate writings abstracts and with that the discovery and acknowledgement of past papers some written to accomplish similar goals with insight and retrospect reference and respect to detail.
The attempt to regainand step forward with details should be explanatory as the wording collects the overall meaning to disclose and to decipher to indulge and to extract key points and have the published article clear concise and resounding in its attempt to instill the notion that the efforts to become a more efficient productive all round physician practitioner doctor PHD graduate undergraduate etc. is wholly attainable through methods of comparison connection collection and compatibility to name a few.
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