Different types of mutation (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
The specifics of whether or not a drug resistant type has the mechanisms enhanced in the lab to counteract the
sequence of events leading up to that
drug resistance. The active interplay of a mutant strain what characteristics went into its formation what signals can they be
intercepted manipulated changed to suit a specific occasion what of chemistry is it specific to the cause are synthetic blend accepted is there an exception to the rule what of similarities to other diseases traits differences.
Taking a virus and rendering the
mutated sections to be
non volatile removing the mechanisms which make it form and function seeing what changes are evident plotted through a 3D view exploded of the affected area, tracing through
holograms and diagrams of self assembly in animation the distinct processes that make the mutation unique showing its signature and characteristics in display format its composition and consistency to work out its specific biology and limitations.
The management and operation of such details as dissemination dissolving surrounding encasing infiltrating intercepting relaying joining splicing meiosis mitosis reactions to stimuli effect on biological structures and their
immune response antibodies antigens antidotes through
cross pollination cross breeding cross reference
Changes according to temperature direction mass quantity and quality of inner criteria
Sound sonar and wavelengths particles and trace molecules overall composition details of changes in mass and those signals and communications to the rest of the body to permit abnormal
Management of an application in stem cell technology that can distinguish abnormal growth cells and diminish chances of malignancy and metastasis
Using te animated model of a 3D hologram ad in vitro samples to test thermo the actual application is perfected to a degree in the lab before distribution
Usage of toxins in undersea creatures those found in insects, plants reptiles and wherever nature has a foothold over the environment
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